• Les abonnés Etisalat au Nigeria peuvent désormais profiter de la messagerie vocale avec l’ application InstaVoice.
  • Les clients peuvent maintenant envoyer et recevoir des messages vocaux à travers le monde.
  • Le service est disponible tant sur les téléphones basics que sur les Smartphones.


New Providence, New Jersey et Lagos, Nigeria, Vendredi 10 Juillet 2015: Etisalat, un opérateur de télécommunications leader en Afrique et Kirusa, le leader de la messagerie vocale et des solutions relatives aux médias sociaux via le mobile dans les marchés émergents, ont annoncé aujourd'hui le lancement du service InstaVoice pour les abonnés d'Etisalat au Nigeria. Grâce à ce lancement, les clients de l’ Operateur Mobile Etisalat peuvent maintenant, et facilement, envoyer vers et recevoir des messages vocaux d'autres utilisateurs mobiles au Nigeria, et dans le monde entier.

InstaVoice, sur le réseau d'Etisalat, simplifie la messagerie vocale pour les utilisateurs de smartphones et de téléphone basics, apportant ainsi une vraie et unique expérience quotidienne aux utilisateurs mobiles. Pour envoyer un message via InstaVoice à un ami, un abonné Etisalat devrait simplement composer * (étoile), suivi du numéro du destinataire. Il enregistre et envoie son message par la suite. Ce dernier peut également enregistrer et laisser un message si son appel n’est pas décroché ou si le correspondant ne peut être joint. Les abonnés Etisalat peuvent également utiliser l'application InstaVoice sur Smartphone pour envoyer des messages vocaux; Pour cela ils devraient appuyer et maintenir le bouton d'enregistrement de message vocal dans l'application, enregistrer le message et l’envoyer, indépendamment du fait que le destinataire ait installé l’application Instavoice ou non.

Lors d’un appel manqué, un message vocal ou texte est transmis via l’application Instavoice à l’utilisateur de Smartphones. Celui-ci peut voir ce message texte ou vocal dans l’historique des messages échangés avec l’appelant. Les bénéficiaires, qui ne disposent pas de l'application, reçoivent le message le message provenant de l’application Instavoice sous forme de Notification SMS contenant un numéro court. Le destinataire appelle ce numéro pour écouter le message lui ayant été laissé et profite pour y répondre.

Utilisant la plateforme virtuel de KIRUSA, les messages InstaVoice peuvent être transmis aux utilisateurs d'applications InstaVoice ainsi qu’ aux utilisateurs de téléphones basics partout dans le monde.

InstaVoice est la seule application mobile qui consolide les appels manqués, la messagerie vocale et la discussion instantanée à travers un seul écran de téléphone mobile. En outre, Instavoice est la seule application mobile capable d’envoyer des messages vocaux à tout utilisateur, même à ceux qui ne disposent pas de l'application mobile. Associant son interface utilisateur, en attente de brevet, et sa technologie de traitement audio, InstaVoice offre aujourd'hui la meilleure expérience vocale via le mobile, partout dans le monde.

S’exprimant au lancement, Adia Sowho, Chef du département Digital Media chez Etisalat Nigeria, a déclaré: "InstaVoice est une génération en avance sur tous les services de notifications d’appels en absence et de messagerie vocale que nous avons utilisé jusqu’ à ce jour. C’est la seule application mobile de messagerie qui vous envoie un message de notification directement dans l'application lorsque vous manquez un appel ou lorsque vous recevez un message vocal. Et elle vous permet également de discuter en temps réel avec des utilisateurs de téléphone basic, ce qui est vraiment une caractéristique extraordinaire pour une application mobile. Nous sommes ravis de collaborer avec Kirusa afin d’offrir un tel service extraordinaire à nos abonnés ".

Les utilisateurs de smartphones peuvent télécharger gratuitement l ‘application InstaVoice via Google Play ou via Apple App Store.

Taranjit Singh Batra, vice-président des ventes chez Kirusa, a dit, "Si vous voulez vous engager dans les meilleures expériences en matière de messagerie vocale et de notification d‘ appels en absence dans le monde, alors InstaVoice est l'application qu’il vous faudrait absolument avoir. Elle a été parfaitement conçue en gardant à l'esprit les besoins des personnes se trouvant dans les marchés émergents. Nous sommes ravis de collaborer avec Etisalat Nigeria afin d’apporter la joie d’une communication transparente et simple à leurs abonnés ".

À propos de Etisalat Nigeria

En seulement 5 ans d'opérations, Etisalat Nigeria est devenu un acteur majeur de l'industrie télécom avec une base d'abonnés de plus de 21 millions dans un marché hautement concurrentiel. Son portefeuille de produits orientés voix et données est aujourd’hui constitué des services ci après : easy starter, easycliq, easybusiness, and easyblaze; tous faits sur mesure pour répondre aux besoins de ses clients. Etisalat Nigeria est l'une des 19 opérations du groupe Etisalat (qui couvre toute l'Afrique, le Moyen-Orient et l’Asie et servant plus de 182 millions d'abonnés); Etisalat Nigeria est résolu à offrir des services innovants et de qualité à sa base d’abonnés en pleine croissance. Pour plus d'informations, visitez:

A propos de KIRUSA

Kirusa est le leader dans la fourniture de service de messagerie vocale et de media sociaux via des applications mobiles. Ses services permettent aux abonnés mobiles « d’avoir une voix » et de partager leurs histoires avec leur famille et amis à travers le monde. Les solutions de Kirusa incluent les applications InstaVoice®, InstaVoice Celeb ™ et InstaVoice SPORTS ™. Ces services sont offerts en partenariat avec plus de trente-cinq opérateurs de téléphonie mobile en Afrique, en Inde, en Amérique Latine et au Moyen-Orient via leur App Store. Les services sont utilisés chaque mois par plus de 80 millions d'utilisateurs mobiles sur quatre continents. Les services Kirusa s’appuient sur une technologie brevetée, sur ses plates-formes multimodales et sur un environnement virtuel très évolué et fiable procédant à plus d’un milliard de transactions par mois. Kirusa a été reconnu comme l'une des 20 meilleures entreprises les plus prometteuses en technologie par Silicon Inde et l'une des 25 meilleures entreprises de technologies émergentes par le magazine SMART TECHNIE. Basée dans le New Jersey et dirigé par une équipe expérimentée en technologie télécom, Kirusa a des bureaux dans quatre continents. InstaVoice est une marque déposée de Kirusa, Inc. InstaVoice Celeb et InstaVoice Sport sont des marques de Kirusa, Inc. Pour plus d'informations, visitez:

Pour plus d information, veuillez contacter:

Pour Etisalat Nigeria -

Chineze Amanfo 
Corporate Affairs Department

Pour Kirusa

Alchemy Corporate Communications
Anju Makin
India Cell: +91-9810170135
US Cell: +1(973) 536-2652


Kirusa Launches InstaVoice Celeb in Partnership With Vodacom DRC

  • InstaVoice Celeb service enables fans to engage directly with their favorite celebrities through voice messages
  • Service are available across DRC, to all Vodacom subscribers
  • Pasteur Marcello Tunasi, Koffi Olomide, Werrason, Prohete Joel Francis Tatu, Tatu Kadiombo and Fiston Saisai amongst many stars active on InstaVoice Celeb

New Providence, NJ, and Kinshasa, DRC, Monday, 28 September, 2015: Kirusa, the leader in voice messaging and social media mobile apps in emerging markets, today announced the launch of its popular social media service,InstaVoice CelebTM, in partnership with Vodacomin DRC.The service enables fans to engage directly with their favorite celebrities through voice messages. InstaVoice Celeb is available for all Vodacom DRC customers, on both smartphone and feature phones. Kirusa is a leader in voice messaging and social media mobile apps in emerging markets.

From Celeb-to-fans and fans-to-Celeb, InstaVoice Celeb provides a seamless flow of messages. Using the unique voice microblogging feature of InstaVoice, celebrities express their emotions and share their joyous and challenging moments.Their fans can hear them, a better option than just seeingtheir text messages on a social networking site or in a mediapublications. The voice messages are delivered instantly to fans, creating a ‘Voice Twitter’ like experience. InstaVoice Celeb service goes over and above the regular social networking platforms by creating a unique ‘connect’ between celebrities and fans using multiple channels of interactions, including one-on-one calls, meetings, merchandising, and events.

InstaVoice Celeb service has attracted many celebrities likePasteur Marcello Tunasi, Koffi Olomide, Werrason,Prohete Joel Francis Tatu, Tatu Kadiombo,and FistonSaisai andmany more are expected to join shortly.

Speaking at the launch, Olivier Ngyala, Senior Manager VAS & Business Development, Vodacom DRC, says, “We are delighted to launch InstaVoice Celeb on the Kirusa Platform. InstaVoice Celeb is a fascinating way to stay connected with famous personalities from all walks of life. The service has incredible features that facilitate two-way interaction between fans and their cherished celebrities.”

Delighted with the service, Marcello Jeremie Tunasi, Pastor of “Eglise la Compassion”, Spiritual Leader of “Centre de Reveil, d’Evangilisation et de Misson, C.R.E.F.M” and President of “Marcellojt ministries” added, “What a fantastic service! I find it an excellent and most convenient way to connect with my fans. I love to use this service.”

InstaVoice Celeb service has over 11 million fans and is growing rapidly in Africa and Latin America.

On this occasion, Ingersol Jayakumar, Head of Marketing at Kirusa, said, “InstaVoice Celeb is gaining rapid traction in Africa. With this launch, I am hopeful Vodacom DRC subscribers will be thrilled to find a new way to connect with their favorite stars.”

About Vodacom DRC

Vodacom is a mobile communications company providing voice, messaging, data and converged solutions to around 50 million active customers in Africa. We are majority owned by Vodafone, one of the world’s largest mobile communications companies by revenue, and are listed on the JSE. Vodacom’s head office is in Johannesburg, South Africa, and its operations include networks in Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, South Africa, and Lesotho.

For more information visit:

About Kirusa

Kirusa is the leader in voice messaging and social media mobile apps that enable mobile subscribers to “Have a Voice!” and share their stories with their family and friends across the globe. Kirusa’s solutions include InstaVoice®, InstaVoice Celeb™ and InstaVoice Sports™ apps, which are offered in partnership with more than thirty-five mobile carriers in Africa, India, LatAm, and Middle East, as well as via the app stores, and are used monthly by over 80 million mobile users in four continents. Kirusa solutions are built on its patented technology and its highly reliable and scalable multimodal and cloud platforms, which process over one billion events a month. Kirusa has been recognized as one of top 20 most promising technology companies by Silicon India, and one of top 25 emerging technology companies by Smart Techie magazine. The InstaVoice app won first prize at NJTC Mobile Apps Forum. Informa selected InstaVoice as finalist for the Best App in Africa. Headquartered in New Jersey and led by an experienced team of wireless telecom executives and technologists, Kirusa has offices in four continents. InstaVoice is a US registered trademarks of Kirusa, Inc.

For more information, visit:

For further inquiries, please contact

For Vodacom DRC

Olivier Ngyala
Senior Manager VAS & Business Development
Tel: +243814444531

For Kirusa

Alchemy Corporate Communications
Anju Makin
India Tel: +91-9810170135
USA Tel: +1-973-536-2652


Kirusa Interns Win First Prize in the NJTC Summer Research Program

New Providence, NJ, Tuesday, 18th August, 2015: Kirusa, the leader in voice messaging and social media mobile apps in emerging markets, announced that two of its interns have tied for first place in the NJTC Summer Research Program. The program was initiated this year to support R&D activities by New Jersey companies that offer internships to students.

Students working or interning across the state were selected by the NJ Tech Council to share their projects with the council. The program featured submissions by university students and graduate researchers on the work that they have done during the summer in the fields of Communications, Electronics, Environment & Energy, Information Technology, and Life Sciences.

After hearing the presentations, the audience chose the two winners via a secret ballot. Both the winning students, Rohan Alur, from the University of Pennsylvania, and Pulkita Dua, from Carnegie Mellon University, were interns from Kirusa.

Kirusa’s internship program lets students get hands-on experience doing R&D on mobile apps and social media systems, and, thereby, allows them to experience real-life work in a guided, fun, and educational setting.

Kirusa is a long-time member and supporter of NJTC.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Inderpal Singh Mumick, CEO of Kirusa said, “Kirusa has been conducting summer internship programs for high school and university students for many years. We provide an inspired environment for interns to do phenomenal work. The awards from NJTC further validate the opportunities available at Kirusa to students who are passionate about creating unique products.”

Ecstatic on the success of the program, James C. Barrood, President of NJTC stated, “The Summer Intern and Research showcase series was a weeklong event of presentations from students and interns at universities and companies throughout the New Jersey region. Over 40 submissions were received, and 33 were selected as finalists to present to tech leaders, executives, and university professors. Members of the audience were asked to vote for best presentation.”

He further added, “We are excited to announce the tie-winning presentations from two interns, both at Kirusa, a mobile technology firm based in New Providence, NJ. We congratulate Rohan Alur and Pulkita Dua on their excellent presentations as well as their hard work at Kirusa this summer.”

About NJTC

The New Jersey Technology Council (NJTC) provides business support, networking opportunities, information, advocacy, and recognition of technology companies and their leaders. Founded in 1996, NJTC’s member companies work together to support their enterprises while advancing New Jersey’s status as a leading technology center in the United States.

For more information, visit:

About Kirusa

Kirusa is the leader in voice messaging and social media mobile apps that enable mobile subscribers to “Have a Voice!” and share their stories with their family and friends across the globe. Kirusa’s solutions include InstaVoice®, InstaVoice Celeb™ and InstaVoice Sports™ apps, which are offered in partnership with more than thirty-five mobile carriers in Africa, India, LatAm, and Middle East, as well as via the app stores, and are used monthly by over 80 million mobile users in four continents. Kirusa’s solutions are built on its patented technology, and it's highly reliable and scalable multimodal and cloud platforms, which process over one billion events a month. Kirusa has been recognized as one of top 20 most promising technology companies by Silicon India, and one of top 25 emerging technology companies by Smart Techie magazine. The InstaVoice app won first prize at NJTC Mobile Apps Forum. Informa selected InstaVoice as a finalist for the Best App in Africa. Headquartered in New Jersey and led by an experienced team of wireless telecom executives and technologists, Kirusa has offices in four continents. InstaVoice is a US registered trademarks of Kirusa, Inc.

For more information, visit:

For further inquiries, please contact
For Kirusa

Alchemy Corporate Communications 
Anju Makin
In Skype (US): +1(973) 536-2652


Paul Frank
Paul Frank
Executive Vice President
T: 856-787-9700 X 222


Kirusa Launches InstaVoice Version 2.0

Unveils Vibrant And Chirpy Interface With a New Logo, for Its Popular Social Media Mobile App

AfricaCom, Cape Town and New Providence, NJ, Tuesday, 17 November 2015: Kirusa, the leader in voice messaging and social media solutions for mobile users in emerging markets,today unveiled the upgraded and redesigned version of its popular social networking mobile app InstaVoice. The fresh and vibrant InstaVoice will now sport a new and exciting logo.

The updated InstaVoice is now available on all three platforms: iOS, Android, and Windows. The contemporary version comes with an intuitive anduser-friendly interface. The novel logo of Parrot represents the idea of an app that promotes the importance of ‘voice ‘in communication. The app, just like a Parrot, is cool and vibrant.

This streamlined version comes witha simple and dextrous tab layout for displaying different types of messages viz. Missed Call, Voice SMS, and Voicemail in a unique chat-like user interface.Tabs make it easier to view and access new and old messages.

The design brings in cleaner layouts, new icons, and richer texture. This version features a subtle title bar that blends into the three tabs for Missed Call, Voicemail, and Chat.Users will now be informed of their unread messages through simple badge counts. One of the new features enables the user to get the message receipts, and read/unread status of the messages sent,in a standard and intuitive manner.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Inderpal Singh Mumick, CEO of Kirusa said, “InstaVoice 2.0 hasbeen designed not only to ensure seamless flow of communication on all platforms but also to present the inclusionof a series of novel features that give the app an entirely fresh and lively look. It now has auser-friendly interface that makes iteminentlyingenious.”

InstaVoice Celeb and InstaVoice Sports services are also available in this App version in Africa.

About Kirusa

Kirusa is the leader in voice messaging and social media mobile apps that enable mobile subscribers to “Have a Voice!” and share their stories with their family and friends across the globe. Kirusa’s solutions include InstaVoice®, InstaVoice Celeb™ and InstaVoice Sports™ apps, which are offered in partnership with more than thirty-five mobile carriers in Africa, India, LatAm, and the Middle East, as well as via the app stores, and are used monthly by over 80 million mobile users in four continents. Kirusa solutions are built on its patented technology and its highly reliable and scalable multimodal and cloud platforms, which process over one and a half billion transactions a month. Kirusa has been recognized as one of top 20 most promising technology companies by Silicon India, and one of top 25 emerging technology companies by Smart Techie magazine. The InstaVoice app won first prize at NJTC Mobile Apps Forum. Informa selected InstaVoice as a finalist for the Best App in Africa. Headquartered in New Jersey and led by an experienced team of wireless telecom executives and technologists, Kirusa has offices in four continents. InstaVoice is a US registered trademark of Kirusa, Inc. For more information, visit:

For further inquiries, please contact

For Kirusa

Alchemy Corporate Communications
Anju Makin
India Cell: +91-9810170135
USA Cell: +1(973) 536-2652


Kirusa Lance InstaVoice Celeb En Partenariat Avec Vodacom DRC

  • le service Celeb de InstaVoice permet aux fans de dialoguer directement avec leurs célébrités préférées par le biais de messages vocaux
  • Le service est disponible à travers la RDC, à tous les abonnés de Vodacom
  • Pasteur Marcello Tunasi, Koffi Olomide, Werrason, Prohete Joel Francis Tatu, Tatu Kadiombo et Fiston Saisai sont parmi tant d’autre Ceebrités actives sur InstaVoice Celeb

New Providence, NJ, et Kinshasa, RDC, le lundi, 28 September, 2015: Kirusa, le leader de la messagerie vocale et les applications sociales de mobiles des médias dans les marchés émergents, a annoncé aujourd'hui le lancement de son service de média social populaire, InstaVoice CelebTM, en partenariat avec Vodacom RDC .Le service permet aux fans de communiquer directement avec leurs célébrités préférées par le biais de messages vocaux. InstaVoice Celeb est disponible pour tous les clients de Vodacom RDC, à la fois sur les Smartphones et les téléphones ordinaires. Kirusa est un leader de la messagerie vocale et les applications sociales de médias mobiles dans les marchés émergents.

De la Célébrité aux fans et des fans à la Célébrité, InstaVoice Celeb fournit un flux continu de messages. En utilisant le micro-blogging, une option de InstaVoice, les célébrités expriment leurs émotions et partagent avec leurs fans leur moments joyeux et difficiles. Leur fans peuvent les ecouter, ce qui est de loin plus interessant pour les fans que de simplement lire des messages textes sur un site de reseau social ou dans une publication de presse. Les messages vocaux sont livrées instantanément aux fans, créant une expérience unique un peu comme du «Twitter version vocal ». Le Service InstaVoice Celeb fait plus que les plateformes régulières de réseaux sociaux en créant une «Connection» unique entre les célébrités et les fans, utilisant ainsi plusieurs canaux d’interactions lesquels incluent la communication de l’un a l’autre, les réunions, le merchandising, et les événements.

Le Service InstaVoice Celeb a attiré de nombreuses célébrités tel que le Pasteur Marcello Tunasi, Koffi Olomide, Werrason, le Prohete Joel Francis Tatu, Tatu Kadiombo et FistonSaisai tandis que beaucoup d’autres devraient se joindre prochainement.

Lors du lancement, Mr. Olivier Ngyala, Senior Manager VAS & Business Development de VodacomDRC, déclare: «Nous sommes ravis de lancer InstaVoice Celeb sur la plate-forme Kirusa. InstaVoice Celeb est une manière fascinante de rester connectés avec des personnalités célèbres de tous les horizons de la vie. Le service a des fonctions incroyables qui facilitent l'interaction entre les fans et leurs célébrités preferées ".

Ravis du service, Mr. Marcello Jeremie Tunasi, Pasteur de "Eglise la Compassion", Leader Spirituel du "Centre de Réveil, d'Evangilisation et de Misson, CREFM" et Président de "Marcellojtministries», a ajouté, "Quel service fantastique! Je trouve qu’en plus d’etre pratique, c’est un excellent moyen pour communiquer avec ceux qui veulent m’ecouter tous les jours. J’aime utiliser ce service. "

Le Service InstaVoice Celeb a plus de 11 millions de fans et se développe rapidement en Afrique et en Amérique latine.

A cette occasion, Ingersol Jayakumar, Directeur du Marketing chez Kirusa, a déclaré, "InstaVoice Celeb gagne rapidemend du terrain en Afrique. Avec ce lancement, j’ai bonne espoir que les abonnés du reseau Vodacom RDC seront ravis de découvrir une nouvelle façon de se connecter avec leurs célébrités favorites ".

A propos de Vodacom RDC

Vodacom est une société de télécommunications mobiles fournissant des communications vocales, de messagerie, de données et de solutions convergées à environ 50 millions de clients actifs en Afrique. Nous sommes majoritairement détenue par Vodafone, une des plus grandes sociétés de communications mobiles mondiales par chiffre d'affaires, et sont cotées à la JSE. Le siège social de Vodacom est à Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud, et ses opérations comprennent les réseaux en Tanzanie, la République démocratique du Congo, le Mozambique, l'Afrique du Sud et au Lesotho.

Pour plus d'informations, visitez:

A propos de Kirusa

Kirusa est le leader de la messagerie vocale et des applications mobiles des réseaux sociaux qui permettent aux abonnés mobiles d’ "AVOIR UNE VOIX!» Et partager leurs histoires avec leur famille et amis à travers le monde. Les solutions de Kirusa comprennent InstaVoice®, InstaVoice Celeb ™ et InstaVoice Sports ™ applications, qui sont offerts en partenariat avec plus de trente-cinq opérateurs de téléphonie mobile en Afrique, en Inde, Amerique Latine et Moyen-Orient, ainsi que par le biais de l’App Store, et sont utilisés mensuellement par plus de 80 millions d'utilisateurs mobiles dans les quatre continents. Les solutions Kirusa sont construites sur sa technologie brevetée, et ses plates-formes multimodales et hautement fiables et évolutives sur le Cloud, lesquelles procédent plus d'un milliard d'événements par mois. Kirusa a été reconnu comme l'un des 20 entreprises technologiques les plus prometteuses par Silicon India, et l'un des top 25 des sociétés de technologie émergentes par le magazine intelligent Techno. L'application InstaVoice a remporté le premier prix au NJTC mobile Forum Apps. Informa choisi InstaVoice comme finaliste pour la meilleure application en Afrique. Basée dans le New Jersey et dirigé par une équipe expérimentée de cadres et de technologues des télécommunications sans fil, Kirusa a des bureaux dans quatre continents. InstaVoice est une marque déposée de Kirusa, Inc.

Pour plus d'informations, visitez le site:

Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez contacter

For Vodacom RDC

Olivier Ngyala
Senior Manager VAS & Business Development
Tel: +243814444531

Pour Kirusa

Alchemy Corporate Communications
Anju Makin
India Tel: +91-9810170135
USA Tel: +1-973-536-2652


Airtel, Kirusa Launch Voice Messaging Service to Enhance Mobile Communication

New Providence, NJ and Lagos, Nigeria, Wednesday, November 18, 2015: AfricaCom, Cape Town: Leading Telecommunications Service Provider, Airtel Nigeria, has partnered with Kirusa, a foremost provider of voice messaging and social media solutions, to launch a voice messaging service aimed at enhancing communication among Nigerians.

The service, which is called InstaVoice, provides flexible communication features for customers; further enabling them to send and receive voice messages seamlessly in Nigeria, and across the world. Using this service, an Airtel customer can record a voice message that will be forwarded and listened to by the recipient.

To send an InstaVoice message to a friend, users can just dial ‘star’ followed by the recipient’s number to record and send the message. They can also leave a message if a call goes unanswered or cannot be completed, or use the InstaVoice app on smartphones, press and hold the record button in the app to record and send a message, regardless of whether the recipient has the app or not.

The voice or text message is then delivered to smartphone users with the InstaVoice app, so they can view the messages as part of their chat history with their friends. Those who do not have the app will get the voice message with an embedded number. They will need to click on the number to listen and reply to the message.

Speaking about the product, Ahmed Mokhles, Chief Commercial Officer, Airtel Nigeria, expressed delight at the partnership with Kirusa. He explained that, “InstaVoice gives the power of voice messaging to all our customers, regardless of the device they use. It enables our customers to stay connected and not miss any calls even when their phones are switched off. This is a huge advantage especially for emerging markets, and it is one of the reasons we decided to partner with Kirusa.”

In the same vein, Dr. Inderpal Singh Mumick, CEO of Kirusa, noted that, “We are delighted to launch InstaVoice in partnership with Airtel Nigeria. InstaVoice is an extraordinary product that was developed for the sole purpose of seamlessly connecting people across the world.”

InstaVoice messages can be delivered to users anywhere in the world and to feature phone users in 14 countries, including 10 countries in Africa through the Kirusa Cloud. Also, Airtel Smartphone users can benefit from the data features of the InstaVoice app, which include free texting, voicing, pictures, missed calls, and voicemail.

The InstaVoice smartphone app allows users to get missed calls and voicemails in a beautiful chat like user interface. Users can respond to missed calls and voicemails with a text or voice message, even if the other party does not have the app. Moreover, it is the only app that supports getting missed calls and voicemails to multiple phone numbers within a single app. With its patent-pending User Interface and audio processing technology, it offers the best voicing experience available anywhere.

Smartphone users can download InstaVoice app from Google Play, Apple App Store, or Windows Store for free.

About Bharti Airtel

Bharti Airtel Limited is a leading global telecommunications company with operations in 20 countries across Asia and Africa. Headquartered in New Delhi, India, the company ranks amongst the top 3 mobile service providers globally, in terms of subscribers. In India, the company's product offerings include 2G, 3G and 4G wireless services, mobile commerce, fixed line services, high-speed DSL broadband, IPTV, DTH, enterprise services including national & international long distance services to carriers. In the rest of the geographies, it offers 2G, 3G and 4G wireless services and mobile commerce. Bharti Airtel had over 335 million customers across its operations at the end of August 2015. To know more, please visit,

About Kirusa

Kirusa is the leader in voice messaging and social media mobile apps that enable mobile subscribers to “Have a Voice!” and share their stories with their family and friends across the globe. Kirusa’s solutions include InstaVoice®, InstaVoice Celeb™ and InstaVoice Sports™ apps, which are offered in partnership with more than thirty-five mobile carriers in Africa, India, LatAm, and the Middle East, as well as via the app stores, and are used monthly by over 80 million mobile users in four continents. Kirusa solutions are built on its patented technology and its highly reliable and scalable multimodal and cloud platforms, which process over one billion events a month. Kirusa has been recognized as one of top 20 most promising technology companies by Silicon India, and one of top 25 emerging technology companies by Smart Techie magazine. The InstaVoice app won first prize at NJTC Mobile Apps Forum. Informa selected InstaVoice as a finalist for the Best App in Africa. Headquartered in New Jersey and led by an experienced team of wireless telecom executives and technologists, Kirusa has offices in four continents. InstaVoice is a US registered trademarks of Kirusa, Inc. For more information, visit:

For further inquiries, please contact

For Kirusa

Alchemy Corporate Communications 
Anju Makin
India Tel: +91-9810170135
USA Tel: +1-973-536-2652

For Airtel Nigeria

Emeka Oparah
Director, Corporate Communications & CSR
Tel: +234-8021921120



Inception in New Jersey, USA


Invented Voice SMS


First ever carrier partnership with Grameenphone


Acquired HeyAnita Voice Platform


First carrier partnership in Africa, with MTN Uganda


First European carrier partnership with Eagle Mobile Albania


InstaVoice surpasses 100 Million monthly active users


Launched InstaVoice Ring


50th Carrier Partnership


Acquired Cooltok and Saya


Introduced Celeb and Sports Content Service


Launched InstaVoice app


First European carrier partnership with Eagle Mobile Albania


Launched InstaVoice app


Introduced Celeb and Sports Content Service


Acquired Cooltok and Saya


50th Carrier Partnership


Kirusa CEO amongst "Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business"


Kirusa processed over 100 Billion calls


Launched Konnect Self-Service Portal


Launched InstaVoice ReachMe app


Launched IP Messaging solutions